Apr 14, 1989
Johnson State College (Johnson, Vermont)
Tour Rarity Rank: 44th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. AC/DC Bag
10 of 29
50 of 328
2. Foam
8 of 19
12 of 351
3. Walk AwayCover
5 of 10
90 of 704
4. Fluffhead
9 of 18
62 of 283
5. Fee
9 of 16
39 of 287
6. Halley's Comet
3 of 5
15 of 152
7. Run Like an Antelope
7 of 21
32 of 484
8. Contact
6 of 20
18 of 172
9. FireCover
7 of 12
320 of 553
10. You Enjoy Myself
11 of 38
63 of 620
11. Bold as LoveCover
3 of 11
18 of 84
12. The Lizards
9 of 23
45 of 330
13. The Sloth
5 of 16
18 of 177
14. Possum
10 of 31
57 of 566
15. If I Only Had a BrainCover
3 of 5
3 of 43
16. Mike's Song
9 of 24
34 of 545
17. I Am Hydrogen
9 of 24
25 of 347
18. Weekapaug Groove
9 of 24
17 of 510
19. Esther
2 of 8
3 of 133