Apr 30, 1989
Nightstage (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Tour Rarity Rank: 45th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. I Didn't KnowCover
10 of 17
35 of 265
2. You Enjoy Myself
14 of 38
66 of 620
3. McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters
6 of 12
35 of 119
4. The Lizards
12 of 23
48 of 330
5. The Divided Sky
12 of 24
34 of 435
6. Wilson
9 of 13
39 of 296
7. Peaches en RegaliaCover
7 of 10
43 of 93
8. Run Like an Antelope
8 of 21
33 of 484
9. TerrapinTour DebutCover
1 of 2
5 of 65
10. PossumEncore
12 of 31
59 of 566