Jul 16, 1992
The Flood Zone (Richmond, Virginia)
Tour Rarity Rank: 3rd

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Poor Heart
2 of 9
64 of 316
2. It's Ice
3 of 8
45 of 251
3. Sparkle
9 of 17
78 of 333
4. WilsonTour Debut
1 of 2
83 of 296
5. Dinner and a MovieTour Debut
1 of 1
125 of 150
6. Bouncing Around the Room
6 of 13
201 of 484
7. Maze
7 of 14
33 of 337
8. Guelah Papyrus
5 of 8
87 of 208
9. Rift
3 of 10
39 of 309
10. Horn
4 of 9
48 of 175
11. David Bowie
4 of 10
168 of 475
12. Runaway Jim
8 of 18
134 of 401
13. WeighTour Debut
1 of 2
8 of 45
14. The Landlady
4 of 10
169 of 215
15. Fluffhead
2 of 2
122 of 283
16. The Man Who Stepped Into YesterdayTour Debut
1 of 1
44 of 85
17. Avinu MalkeinuTour DebutCover
1 of 1
43 of 83
18. The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday RepriseTour Debut
1 of 1
29 of 29
19. Llama
5 of 15
138 of 317
20. Glide
5 of 5
34 of 117
21. Paul and SilasCover
2 of 2
53 of 139
22. Mike's Song
2 of 3
231 of 545
23. I Am Hydrogen
2 of 3
222 of 347
24. Weekapaug Groove
2 of 3
214 of 510
25. Blue BayouEncoreTour DebutSong DebutCover
1 of 1
1 of 1
26. The Squirming CoilEncore
5 of 15
155 of 368