May 27, 1994
The Warfield (San Francisco, California)
Tour Rarity Rank: 5th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Wilson
8 of 9
115 of 296
2. Runaway Jim
15 of 15
212 of 401
3. Foam
15 of 16
272 of 351
4. Bouncing Around the Room
16 of 17
285 of 484
5. David Bowie
12 of 13
229 of 475
6. If I Could
15 of 15
15 of 66
7. Punch You in the Eye
6 of 6
30 of 162
8. Harry Hood
11 of 12
131 of 419
9. Golgi Apparatus
11 of 12
314 of 475
10. Suzy Greenberg
13 of 14
261 of 450
11. Peaches en RegaliaCover
7 of 7
56 of 93
12. My Friend, My Friend
7 of 7
67 of 170
13. Reba
12 of 13
218 of 403
14. The Lizards
9 of 9
231 of 330
15. Julius
24 of 25
24 of 235
16. Nellie KaneCoverGuest: Morgan Fichter
acoustic and w/o mics
10 of 11
24 of 103
17. My Mind's Got a Mind of Its OwnCoverGuest: Morgan Fichter
acoustic and w/o mics
3 of 3
19 of 45
18. Mike's Song
9 of 9
295 of 545
19. SimpleTour DebutSong Debut
1 of 1
1 of 201
20. O mio babbino caroTour DebutSong DebutCoverGuest: Andrea Baker
1 of 1
1 of 15
21. Possum
7 of 7
319 of 566
22. FireEncoreCover
5 of 5
373 of 553